The story of the unexpected birth of my son Marty while on holiday in France, his short life, and my experiences during the months that followed
‘Our Story’ documents the seven days we spent with our son and the decisions we had to take during and after his care
‘My blog’ will walk through my experiences in the following months.
There are some things I want to say first. This is about what happened to me and my family, I’m just telling my story and letting my thoughts and feelings out. I’m sorry if any of it upsets someone, with clumsy wording. I’ve been exposed to more of the ‘baby loss’ world and trauma recovery than I had ever expected to encounter but I am by no means an expert on what to say (or not say). This is just my experience, words from my heart.
Doing this might just help keep me sane while I’m off work on ‘maternity leave’. It may do nothing but give me some focus, fill some hours, and I’m ok with that. But if it does help my family, a friend or a stranger in some small way then, great!
Putting this ‘out there’ is a scary prospect but I’ve put my big girl pants on and tried to be as honest as I can be. Honest to myself in acknowledging my feelings, and honest with you in writing it all down. If you know me well, I hope you can hear me in the words that follow.
Before you read any more…
I’m going to try and make sure this isn’t a total sob fest
Having said the above, quite a bit is no doubt going to be sad
If you don’t like it, its upsetting you or you think its rubbish – just stop reading
I’ve been told the circumstances around what happened to me are very rare so please don’t let it scare you
Personally I don’t think it is helpful to make comparisons, in fact I found it unhelpful; everyone’s personal and medical situations are very different
Please be kind
Right, here goes!
Our Story
Two weeks in France that changed our lives forever
My Blog
A collection of my thoughts, feelings and experiences during the months that followed